The Athens Diaries #2

Yes, I'm in love. The last 20 years.

Last week I had the great pleasure to be the guide for my friend A. who visited Athens with her family for the very first time. Of course, when somebody thinks of Athens, the first thought -or should I say picture?- that pops up in their head is Akropolis. I hadn't been in Akropolis since a school excursion that took place in pre-historical times, so I was very excited, as well. 

Well, after visiting Akropolis, there is only one piece of advice I'd like to share with all the locals as well as the future travelers: In case you visit Athens, make sure not to miss Akropolis! I know, I sound like a bad ad, but this place is simply magical. Its aura; Parthenon (the main temple; still under renovation, but always impressing); the bewitching light. Ahh, the sunny weather the Athenians are enjoying since the middle of March is a pure gift. I'm so going to miss it, when I'll go back to Germany (checking the temperature there every single day. If it rises at about 11-12 degrees Celcious, I'm probably packing my bikini, because that is considered super warm weather in G-Town.)

Anyway, enough with the blah blah. One phot equals one thousand words, they say.

Odeon of Herodes Atticus
The Odeon from above...
...and a  little more.
The view from the Propylea, the entrace to the Acropolis.
About to enter the Akropolis...
(Spanish guide holding an umbrella is also to be seen.)

Aforementioned guide pointing up, up, up!

Well, you just entered Akropolis!

Erechtheion, the second largest temple on Akropolis after Parthenon.

Karyatides, sculpted female figures serving as columns.
One is missing... I wonder where it is... :/
Ahhh... Parthenon. So imposing and beautiful.

The magical Athenian light I was talking about...
Walk in it and let it take all you worries away.

Olive tree.
According to the myth, goddess Athena gave an olive tree as a gift to the first residents of the area. She became the patron goddess of the city, which was named after her.

What would spring without blooming flowers be?
As I was leaving Akropolis, I noticed a little boy on a wheelchair accompanied by his father. I have to admit that I was definitely impressed, since it is incredibly challenging to walk around the archaelogical site of Akropolis, let alone move along while sitting on a wheelchair -that's not only mission impossible, but also quite dangerous. Yet I was taken aback,because I realised that no matter how hard the access to Akropolis might be for disabled people, this young boy and its family decided to do it. Because deep down, they realised that this was an experience not to be missed. And it is. Even if you don't pay attention to the historical facts and the importance of the place, the feeling that takes you over when you stand at the top of the hill is something indescribable, something that can not be expressed through words. From Akropolis the view is not simply captivating, it gives you the chance to understand where the old city ends and the new city begins. 

These photos were taken today, since I decided to wake up extra early and visit Akropolis again, on my own, make photos, gaze at my beloved city and think, feel the same serenity that I experienced last week. 

So, if you have the chance, visit Akropolis. I know many many Athenians (among them my mother who lives in this city more than 25 years) that have never been on Akropolis. Most of them see Akropolis and think "it will always be there, I can visit it anytime." But they never do. So do it, because you don't know if tomorrow you're going to have the chance or the strength. Do it for all those people that can not.

And then write me back to tell me your impressions!



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Full-time daydreamer writing about fashion, love, food, traveling and beyond.