Links Of Love

If you could peek at my laptop, you'd find out that I'm the queen of bookmarking. I'm constantly looking for inspiration, reading articles, checking out new blogs and looking for photos for my blog or my tumblr account. These are my weekly favorites!

  1. You’re a glitterbomb of glory. Damn it, I loved this article so much. 50 Ways To Say "You're Awesome"
  2. Probably the funniest tumblr account I've ever encounter. Funny moments of every day life in gif. It'd probably make you say "LOL- so true!"
  3. Because celebrities have feelings,too. #celebrities_reading_mean_tweets
  4. For yoga lovers or for yogis who look for lovers. (Please don't ask me how I found it, my love life ain't that bad -yet.)
  5. When you need an ego boost, a big hug, or a firm boot in the ass click here.
  6. This is the only carrot cake recipe you'll ever need. I swear.
  7. If you live in Athens or plan to visit it soon, enjoy your coffee at Giasemi, Plaka. The location is picturesque, the desserts are delicious, the staff is very polite and friendly, and the habitues are mostly cute students or stylish tourists. Highly recommendable. It is also near my favorite street, seen here.


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Full-time daydreamer writing about fashion, love, food, traveling and beyond.