Links of Love

Exam season is f-i-n-a-l-l-y over and I’m so excited to be back! 

  1. An insanely inspiring video: What if money didn't matter
  2. Wise move #21 When eating bananas, pickles, hotdogs, etc. -avoid eye contact with people as you go in for a bite. This and many other tips in order to avoid awkward situations.
  3. The best tumblr account I've discovered lately. Strangely enough it belongs to a guy and well, guess... he's Greek! If you're into photos of ridiculously well-dressed men and/or beautiful nonchalant women, you have to follow! (Blogger's note: it's the origin of today's post's photos)
  4. In case your exam period is unfortunately not over, listen to this nice, calm playlist as you're studying.
  5. Now I can't help looking forward to summer! This full of dresses summer-spring collection makes me phantasize of sunny days, picnics on the grass, riding bikes along Rhine,music festivals, sipping ice tea and studying outdoors. Who's counting days with me?
  6. Live the language: This video is dedicated to my Spanish speaking friends and to all the people who enjoy learning languages... experientially. I hope they make one for Rome too some day. 
  7. One last video, but definitely not least. Don't hate on me for posting so many things about language and words, but they're my love and a curse at the same time. And this video showcases how the way we use words shapes our world.Deeply touching and humane. #change_your_words_change_your_world


PS: I'd like to say a huuuuuge thank you for all the amazing feedback I've been getting lately. You can't imagine how much it means to me. :D

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Full-time daydreamer writing about fashion, love, food, traveling and beyond.