Be Italian

Hello everyone! Long time no see, huh? For the past two and a half weeks I've been constantly traveling with friends or my family. Now I'm back and ready to gather all the beautiful photos that I took in the places I visited (see Tinos and Skiathos), which I'd like to share with you! Unfortunately I forgot my camera in Syros (yes, I couldn't resist the urge to go there as well) while I was visiting my best friend who practically spends every summer there. Who can blame her? Syros is a magnificent island, one of my favorite vacation destinations.

Anyway, as I already mentioned I was in Skiathos, a beautiful island with lovely beaches and a wild nightlife. The nightlife is the reason why it's a popular destination among people of my age. In addition, it is also a fairly popular destination for tourists and mostly Italians. We saw a lot of Italian women there; most of them were not only very good looking, but also explicitly stylish. When I came home from Skiathos I searched the web for photos of Italian women to use as fashion inspiration. I didn't need to go very far since The Sartorialist has captured them all. Enjoy!

What I adore about these outfits -and of course the women wearing them!- is the way that emphasize their femininity whithout showing that they tried too hard (in case they did). It's like they say "I'm a woman. A strong, independent as well as attractive woman. Look at me!" Each outfit, each clothing piece and accessory accentuates the natural beauty of its owner. What more can you ask for?
What do you think?



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Full-time daydreamer writing about fashion, love, food, traveling and beyond.