Links of Love

  1. Les Miserables. Hilarious photos of men waiting outside changing rooms for their other half to finish trying on clothes.
  2. Apparently the Beatles had a wonderfully wicked sense of humor.
  3. 39 test answers that are totally wrong but 100% genius at the same time.
  4. Even if you hate selfies, you're going to love these: Cats taking selfies!
  5. In case you've already read - and enjoyed - my piece on nudity, this beautifully written post by fellow blogger Nessi also offers some food for thought. One point that really puzzled me after I finished reading it was how often we treat our sex life as a topic for small talk, sometimes using it to entertaing people. Hmm...
  6. "You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have." Loving dad with terminal cancer writes over 800 napkin notes to his daughter.
  7. If you ever get sad, watch this. No, watch it no matter what, you'll laugh until you cry.
  8. When I get sad, I stand up, grab one of my closest friends and we do this dance.
  9. When I'm hungover and my feet hurt from wearing heels all night. #funny
  10. Bless the linguistics freak in me, here come some of the most beautiful words in the English language.

PS: Facebook anyone? Tweet me maybe?


  1. I made it into your list? I'm so touched! Thank you so much! :3
    And the letter from a dad to his daugher was so inspiring and beautiful.. ;__; I'm not crying. stupid onions. There are no onions? Okay, well it's rain. yes inside. it happens.

    1. Hahahahaha that was my reaction, too! :) Nothing to thank for, I really liked your post.

    2. oh stop it you :) I'm blushing :D hahaha


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Meet The Blogger

Full-time daydreamer writing about fashion, love, food, traveling and beyond.