The other day, I came across the following quote from
Nora Ephron while browsing through A Cup of Jo (even though I cannot relate to
her parenting/motherhood posts, I adore everything else on her blog):
have a game we play when we’re waiting for tables in restaurants, where you
have to write the five things that describe yourself on a piece of paper. When
I was [in my twenties], I would have put: ambitious, Wellesley graduate,
daughter, Democrat, single. Ten years later not one of those five things turned
up on my list. I was: journalist, feminist, New Yorker, divorced, funny. Today
not one of those five things turns up in my list: writer, director, mother,
sister, happy.”
I find it quite enthralling how distinct different
chapters of one’s life can be. How would you describe your life in five words at this
stage of your life? Right now, I’d opt for student,
traveler, stressed, realist, and unquenchable.
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