Musings On Muse-ing

A notorious over-thinker, yesterday I woke up with a particular phrase stuck in my mind.

"A woman has to inspire herself first."

I'm not quite sure yet, but I think it is due to an article or blog post that I read (too much reading candy gonna rot your soul) that said something about how a woman should inspire herself first, before being a muse for other people -and by using the word people it mostly indicated men.

Well, I have to agree on this one. (And now I'm about to let my feminist side go wild.)

Firstly, because you can't live your life being someone's inspiration.

 You have to be a creation. 

Your own creation.

Secondly, because there is nothing more appealing/ captivating/ luring / sexy / important and therefore inspirational than a woman (or a person in general, this "rule" applies to all) with confidence, dreams and goals and the drive to pursue them.

What do you think?


PS: I'd also like to add that I now have 21 followers on bloglovin', something that made me extremely happy as well as thankful. Thank you so much for reading my blog! I'm looking forward to your feedback. Kisses! :D

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Full-time daydreamer writing about fashion, love, food, traveling and beyond.