I Got Carrie-d Away

The beginning of our problem lies back in 1998 when HBO broadcasted for the first time Sex and the City. When Carrie Bradshaw and her friends became the ideal of what a woman should be or possess: countless pairs of shoes, an apartment in New York -preferably in Manhattan, a group of really tight friends with very different yet always sparkling personalities, an enduring search for Mr. Perfect –including breaking up or making up at the end of every season, a gay best friend, a walk-in closet, being able to handle your Cosmopolitans no matter how many you had and the dream job*, writing a weekly column about women, men and everything between.

It’s quite dreamy and captivating, isn’t it?

Well, for me it’s a cake I’d like to have more than a spoonful of. The walk-in closet and living in New York have been in my Bucket List forever. In case you’ve made the comparison between TV and reality (your reality preferably; Kate Middleton is already living the dream), you’ve probably realized that your life and Carrie’s couldn’t be more different, right? I made those thoughts too as I was watching the glamorous clique running across Manhattan in shiny frocks and Manolos while I was wearing in my lavender purple pajamas and eating jelly bears (I know, it sound’s oh-so-sexy).

Yet last night I had an aha-moment -most likely due to the high levels of sugar in my blood? Want to hear what I came up with?

Well, here it comes, my 8 reasons why Carrie and I are not as different as I thought!

1.  I have indeed a walk-in closet. When you walk into my dorm room the first thing you see is my huge closet. It is positioned in the hall which is incredibly tiny so when you open both of the closet’s doors it takes up the whole room! So practically the hall functions as my dressing room.

2.  Remember who Big is calling Carrie by the nickname “Kid” because their, ahem, age difference? I have been with a guy who called me “Kid” and I called him “Big”, all part of an inside joke between us two.

3.  I have a thing for writing in front of windows. My desk at home is positioned exactly in front of my window just like Carrie’s in the pre-movie, single-life apartment.

4.  I also enjoy writing –or just studying- in cafes, even when I have everything needed (see Internet connection) at home. It’s not that I’m a loner; on the contrary I love being surrounded by people! That’s why I like studying in busy places like cafes where I can concentrate on my work without feeling isolated.

5.  I have a signature shoe. No, not Manolos of course. Try living in a semi-rural area where it rains 95% of the time (when it doesn’t rain, it snows) and you’ll realize pretty quickly that this concept is impossible, if not ridiculous. But ballerinas have been saving my life since 1993, hence ballerinas being my signature shoe, a shoe I can swear by.

6.  Long talks about women, men and everything between. I’m seriously addicted to discussions of that kind, engaging as many people as I can in them and always making men wonder thanks to my talent of overanalyzing anything (but mostly their own mysterious behavior). “I couldn’t help by wonder…” has to be THE expression that I use most often to engage people into conversation of that kind. (In case you’re not that familiar with the show, it’s the expression that Carrie always uses to set the main question –aka topic- of the episode as well as of the article she’s working on each time.) Did I mention I also use clothes -as well as food- similes?

7.  “When you live on a tiny island like Manhattan city like Germersheim, the odds of bumping into the one who broke your heart are incredibly high. The odds of bumping into him when you look like shit are even higher.” Well, that quote alone summarizes my thoughts on the subject pretty well. It’s Murphy’s law after all, you can't escape it!


1.  Incredible girlfriends that I feel I can share abso-fucking-lutely everything with them. They’re my 2 a.m. people, the kind of people you can call at 2 a.m. when everything’s wrong and nobody is around as well as the people most likely to call at 2 a.m. to wish you happy birthday, prank you, cry on your shoulder (through the phone) or simply express love.


PS:Show me some love and like my facebook page!:D

*Well, that might be my dream job.


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Full-time daydreamer writing about fashion, love, food, traveling and beyond.