Links of Love

  1. Taking joy in living is a woman's best cosmetic. -Rosalind Russell [Read this and another 33 great quotes about what it means to be a woman]
  2. Angelina -yes, Jolie!- like we've never seen her before. A collection of photos taken by (well, I bet you didn't see that coming!) Brad Pitt. 
  3. Ellen DeGeneres learned how to belly dance. What are you waiting? You'll get hard rock abs just by watching the video -and laughing along!
  4. It's called food porn for a reason. If this cooking blog doesn't get you hungry, I don't know what will! Btw, I'm planning on making that strawberry tart for an upcoming bbq.
  5. What you'd rather do (or do not)?
  6. They say breakfast is the most important meal of day. This is how to get it right -and yummy!
  7. 17 year old surreal photographer Maria Sardari, check her on!

PS: Also on facebook! :D


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Full-time daydreamer writing about fashion, love, food, traveling and beyond.