Breath in,
breath out.
How am I
going to tell them about it?
Maybe quick
and suddenly, like pulling a band-aid, will do the trick.
1, 2, …
(don’t be silly) 3!
There, I said
it. I’m officially off facebook. Don’t worry, my account and my blog page still
exist; I simply don’t have any access to them AT ALL.
Today morning
I parted with my beloved password, gave it to a trusted person who’s identity
shall remain secret (ok, it was my mom. Come on, make fun of me; I know it
can’t get any lamer than that) and asked her to change it no matter how much
I might cry/beg/suffer from shivering, shaky hands and hallucinations – you know, the
typical withdrawal symptoms.
Now all I can
do is sit back and see what happens.
The last two
times I gave up facebook in a similar way, it lasted about a week or so each time, long
enough for me to concentrate on upcoming exams or term paper deadlines, since
my facebook addiction can get unhealthily distracting and my academic career is
on top of my list. Just after daydreaming and wearing color-coordinated
Or it can get
simply unhealthy.
Seriously, I
can’t remember the last time I watched a movie alone at home without checking
it out at least five times. Or done homework without browsing to see what’s new
in my home page or responding to chat messages. Needless to say, I ended up
unfollowing multiple women’s fashion site, because when I read “10 Ways to Mix
and Match Prints”, I can’t help but click on it. In addition, I realized it
took me twice as much time to finish any task I was doing. Multi-tasking is –
if not truly myth– not for me. It would make my ideal answer to the all-time
classic question, “What superpower would you like to have?” Flying? Nah.
Reading minds? Hmm, maybe… Multi-tasking? YES!
This time I
haven’t set any time restrictions. I guess it’s going to be about 1 week. At
that point I’d probably have reached the brim of unsociability. Note to all my
wonderful friends: I’m not being lazy/ ignorant/ rude / depressed / abroad with
no internet connection (oh, wouldn’t that be simply magical?); I’m just on a
I named this
post #1 because I’m planning on doing another one at the end of the detox to
see how it was actually successful and/ or meaningful and whether I’ve learned
anything along the way. Last time, I found out that when it comes to
procrastinating I can become really creative with all the possibilities the
Internet presents. For example, I re-discovered my Twitter account, started
following a thousand blogs that I unfollowed as soon as I got facebook, but
also managed to finish my term paper on time, which was, after all, my goal.
What are you thoughts on the subject? Are you facebook addicts, as well? How do you cope with it? Is it driving you crazy, making you guilty, or is it just me?
Un beso enorme,
I hear you, sister. I've never really been on a detox, though I probably should because the first thing I do when I get near any kind of internet connection is - check frickin facebook.
ReplyDeleteWhat I did so far, as a tiny step towards independence, is, when I turn on my laptop in the mornings, to FIRST check all my emails and potentially important things, THEN go on facebook. Pathetic, isn't it?
So, just know that I bear with you ;)
Love, Koneko.
I've tried such things as well. Google Chrome, for example, has an application which allows you only 15 minutes on your favorite procrastination sites - you get to mark them. However, this time I felt like going cold turkey to see how it'll work out. :)